Usability Research Decision Tree
You want to do a user-centered website or app redesign but are unsure which approach to opt for? We built this decision tree to help you choose the best approach!
In addition to being Research Director at imarklab, Alexandre Tellier teaches Web analytics at HEC Montreal. He is specialised in digital marketing and e-commerce measurements. His main goal is to make these measurements reachable and profitable for businesses. He combines methods such as Web analytics, expert evaluation and surveys to make his analysis richer. He led research projects for businesses from different industries to help them evaluate and optimize their interactive presence. Since 2011, he also acts as Senior Analyst for imarkscore. This score allows imarklab to evaluate the interactive presence of Quebec-based companies.
You want to do a user-centered website or app redesign but are unsure which approach to opt for? We built this decision tree to help you choose the best approach!
In the last few years, imarklab has undertaken many website optimization projects in the world of higher education. Every one of those projects had a similar objective: make the student experience on the website easier and more enjoyable. With hindsight, we see that all recommendations we produced revolved around four main guidelines. By following these […]
If you’ve been a university student in the last few years, you definitely had to live through multiple frustrations when using your school’s online platforms. Technology has brought lasting change to higher education. It notably changed how universities interact with students. That being said, universities are large organisations with huge digital ecosystems. As such, they […]
In Web development as in everything else, cycles are short. Agility is the name of the game. In such a setting, you might think that usability testing is a luxury you can’t afford. Obviously, you can’t interrupt the development process for a month to make time for usability testing. While that’s true, usability testing doesn’t […]
Usability testing, also known as UX testing, is one of the best tools to get your user’s pulse. The basics of usability testing are simple: we sit a user in front of a website and ask him or her to complete specific tasks. Meanwhile, a moderator collects impressions and comments. Obviously, usability testing is a little more […]
We test websites because it’s still the best way to directly collect users’ point of view. It’s often the only way organizations can see how people actually use their website. For that alone, usability testing is essential, even in its simplest form. Website testing, also known as usability testing, keeps getting better and better. Modern […]
For retailers, the physical store is a critical touch point with consumers. Despite this, retailers’ product display strategy remains reactive and is mostly based on past initiatives. Compared to online marketing, point of sale marketing has typically access to less data on customer behavior, especially for behavior other than the actual purchase. New technology such as […]
Marketers often disagree on the best way to measure return on investment when it comes to social media. We do not even agree on the necessity of such a measure. Then again, setting objectives and measuring their achievement is one of the cornerstones of marketing management as it is taught in our business schools. So, […]
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